Schitt's Creek Wiki
Schitt's Creek Wiki

The Schitt family are the founders and the unofficial "first family" of the town the bears their name, Schitt's Creek.


In the circa 1690s, a member of the Schitt family living in Salem, Massachusetts was put on trial for witchcraft after correctly guessing the gender of her unborn child. This would consequently lead to her decedents creating the family tradition of keeping the gender of any new, unborn baby in the family a secret until its birth.[1]

He was a visionary, Johnny! He discovered this land, he developed it, and he turned it into the little slice of heaven that it is.
Roland Schitt speaking to Johnny Rose, referring to his great grandfather, Horace, and the founding of Schitt's Creek.[src]

In 1895, Horace Schitt and his unnamed sister founded the town of Schitt's Creek and the former became the first Mayor. Generations later and the family still have mayoral power in the town, due to everyone in Schitt's Creek having accepted the saying: "Who needs elections when you can keep having sons?". The current mayor and family patriarch is Roland Schitt, the fourth Schitt to be Mayor since his great-grandfather, Horace.

Roland and his wife Jocelyn have two sons, Mutt and Roland Moira Schitt. The family currently resides in a small house within Schitt's Creek, however, Mutt resides in a barn nearby.

Family members[]

  • Unnamed Salem witch — This unnamed woman is Roland's great great great great great-grandmother who was put on trial for witchcraft after correctly guessing the gender of her unborn child in Salem, Massachusetts c. 1690s.
  • Horace Schitt — Horace is Roland's great-grandfather. He was responsible for founding the town of Schitt's Creek.
  • Horace's Unnamed Sister — This unnamed woman was the sister of Horace and the great grand-aunt of Roland. She helped in the founding of Schitt's Creek alongside her brother.
  • Roland Schitt — Roland is the father of Mutt and Roland Moira Schitt and the husband of Jocelyn. He is the current Mayor of Schitt's Creek and a co-owner of the Rosebud Motel, a motel franchise he co-partners with Johnny Rose and Stevie Budd.
  • Jocelyn Schitt — Jocelyn is the mother of Mutt and Roland Moira Schitt and the wife of Roland. She is a history teacher at Schitt's Creek High School and the self-appointed leader of the all-female a cappella group, the Jazzagals.
  • Mutt Schitt — Mutt is the oldest son of Roland and Jocelyn and the former boyfriend of Alexis Rose.
  • Roland Moira Schitt — Roland is the youngest son of Roland and Jocelyn Schitt.
  • Arnie — Arnie is Roland's cousin who died of a heart attack.
  • Lenny — Lenny is a cousin of Roland.
  • Bruce — Bruce is a cousin of Roland whom he donated a kidney to.


  • Roland Schitt is mentioned to have three cousins named Arnie[2], Lenny[3], and Bruce[4].


  1. Open Mic
  2. Mentioned by Ronnie Lee in The Hospies.
  3. Mentioned by Roland in The Hike.
  4. Mentioned by Roland in Sunrise, Sunset.